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Toàn tập Nguyễn Thế Thuấn-Quyển 3

Linh mục Yuse Nguyễn Thế Thuấn - DCCT-VIETNAM

Nhà Xuất Bản Đồng Nai | Cập nhật

Toàn tập Nguyễn Thế Thuấn-Quyển 3

Linh mục Yuse Nguyễn Thế Thuấn - DCCT-VIETNAM | 15/12/2023


Traditions of the Bible

James L. Kugel

Harvard University Press | 1998

Traditions of the Bible

James L. Kugel | 03/11/2023


The Changing shape of form Criticism

Martin J. Buss

Sheffield Phoenix Press | 2010

The Changing shape of form Criticism

Martin J. Buss | 03/11/2023


The Accentual Theory of Hebrew Prosody

Israel Baroway

The Johns Hopkins University Press | 1950

The Accentual Theory of Hebrew Prosody

Israel Baroway | 03/11/2023


Ruin the Sacred Truths

Harold Bloom

Harvard University Press | 1987

Ruin the Sacred Truths

Harold Bloom | 03/11/2023


Old Testament Exegesis

Odil Hannes Steck

Scholars Press | 1998

Old Testament Exegesis

Odil Hannes Steck | 03/11/2023


Defining Literary Criticism

Carol Atherton

Palgrave Macmillan | 2005

Defining Literary Criticism

Carol Atherton | 03/11/2023


Biblical Form Criticism in its Context

Martin J. Buss

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament | 1999

Biblical Form Criticism in its Context

Martin J. Buss | 03/11/2023


Ancient Literary Criticism

Andrew Laird

Oxford University Press | 2006

Ancient Literary Criticism

Andrew Laird | 03/11/2023


Ahora Entiendo La Biblia

Gerhard Lohfink

Ediciones Paulinas | 1977

Ahora Entiendo La Biblia

Gerhard Lohfink | 03/11/2023


A Plea on Behalf of the Biblical Redactors

Jean-Louis Ska

Routledge | 2005

A Plea on Behalf of the Biblical Redactors

Jean-Louis Ska | 03/11/2023


The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible

J. Cheryl Exum and David J.A. Clines

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament | 1993

The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible

J. Cheryl Exum and David J.A. Clines | 03/11/2023


Hebrew Manuscripts in the Vatican Library

Benjamin Richler

Città del Vaticano | 2008

Hebrew Manuscripts in the Vatican Library

Benjamin Richler | 03/11/2023


Guide de la Bible hébraique

Thomas Romer, Jean-Daniel Macchi

Labor et Fides | 1994

Guide de la Bible hébraique

Thomas Romer, Jean-Daniel Macchi | 03/11/2023


Lessico ragionato dell'esegesi biblica

Jean-Noel Aletti, Maurice Gilbert, Jean-Louis Ska, Sylvie de Vulpillières

Queriniana | 2006

Lessico ragionato dell'esegesi biblica

Jean-Noel Aletti, Maurice Gilbert, Jean-Louis Ska, Sylvie de Vulpillières | 06/07/2023


Einfhurung in Methoden Biblische Exegese

Josef Schreiner

Verlag Würzburg | 1971

Einfhurung in Methoden Biblische Exegese

Josef Schreiner | 08/07/2023


Biblical studies on the internet

Roland H. Worth, Jr.

McFarland & Company, Inc Publishers | 2008

Biblical studies on the internet

Roland H. Worth, Jr. | 06/07/2023