Có 319 tác phẩm
Jacques T.A.G.M. van Ruiten George H. van Kooten
Brill | 2016
Dust of the Ground and Breath of Life (Gen 2:7)
Jacques T.A.G.M. van Ruiten George H. van Kooten | 01/03/2024
Daniel Carro, José Tomás Poe, Rubén O. Zorzoli
Editorial Mundo Hispano | 1998
Comentario Biblico mundo hispano Tomo 3: Levitico, Numeros, Deuteronomio
Daniel Carro, José Tomás Poe, Rubén O. Zorzoli | 01/07/2023
Gerard P. Luttikhuizen
Brill | 2000
The Creation of Man and Woman
Gerard P. Luttikhuizen | 30/06/2023
Eric A. Seibert
Fortress Press Minneapolis | 2009
Disturbing Divine Behavior: Troubling Old Testament Images of God
Eric A. Seibert | 04/02/2023
De Nombreux Auteurs
A.S.B.L. Nouvelle revue théologique | 1976
Nouvelle Revue Théologique N°8 - 1976
De Nombreux Auteurs | 07/12/2022
Dmitri M. Slivniak
SAGE Publications | 2003
The Garden of Double Messages: Deconstructing Hierarchical Oppositions in the Garden Story
Dmitri M. Slivniak | 05/10/2022
James W. Watts
SAGE Publications | 1995
Rhetorical Strategy in the Composition of the Pentateuch
James W. Watts | 05/10/2022
Graham Ward
A Postmodern Version of Paradise
Graham Ward | 05/10/2022
Robert W. E. Forrest
SAGE Publications | 1994
Paradise Lost Again: Violence and Obedience in the Flood Narrative
Robert W. E. Forrest | 05/10/2022
T.A. Perry
SAGE Publications | 1993
A Poetics of Absence: the Structure and Meaning of Genesis
T.A. Perry | 05/10/2022
R.E. Clements
SAGE Publications | 1989
The Messianic Hope in the Old Testament
R.E. Clements | 05/10/2022
Kim Ian Parker
SAGE Publications | 1991
The Limits to Solomon's Reign: a Response to Amos Frisch
Kim Ian Parker | 05/10/2022
Aren M. Maeir
SAGE Publications | 2007
A New Interpretation of the Term
Aren M. Maeir | 05/10/2022
1. General
| 05/10/2022
Arthur J. Nevins
SAGE Publications | 2006
When was Solomon’s Temple Burned Down? Reassessing the Evidence
Arthur J. Nevins | 05/10/2022
A.G. Auld, J. Day, C.M Crewe
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament | 2008
A.G. Auld, J. Day, C.M Crewe | 04/10/2022
David Henige
SAGE Publications | 2005
In Good Company: Problematic Sources and Biblical Historicity
David Henige | 03/10/2022
Thomas M. Bolin
SAGE Publications | 2004
The Role of Exchange in Ancient Mediterranean Religion and Its Implications for Reading Genesis 18-19
Thomas M. Bolin | 03/10/2022
Stephanie Dalley
Recent Evidence from Assyrian Sources for Judaean History from Uzziah to Manasseh
Stephanie Dalley | 03/10/2022
F. Gerald Downing
Aesthetic Behaviour in the Jewish Scriptures: A Preliminary Sketch
F. Gerald Downing | 03/10/2022