Có 337 tác phẩm
Anthony Kenny
Continuum | 2005
The unknown God
Anthony Kenny | 10/12/2023
Mario Ruggenini
Bruno Mondadori | 1997
Il Dio assente
Mario Ruggenini | 10/12/2023
Carlo Huber
Editrice Pontificia Universita Gregoriana | 1993
E questo tutti chiamano Dio
Carlo Huber | 10/12/2023
Robert Harris
Arrow Books | 2017
Robert Harris | 10/12/2023
Giuseppe Dal Ferro
Edizioni Messaggero Padova | 2001
Alla ricerca di Dio
Giuseppe Dal Ferro | 10/12/2023
Rafael Aguirre
Colegio Mayor Chaminade | 1985
El Dios de Jesús
Rafael Aguirre | 02/05/2023
G.H.C. MacGregor
New Testament Studies | 1961
The Concept of the Wrath of God in the New Testament
G.H.C. MacGregor | 02/05/2023
Reinhard G. Kratz und Hermann Spieckermann
Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York | 2009
Zeit und Ewigkeit als Raum gõttlichen Handelns
Reinhard G. Kratz und Hermann Spieckermann | 01/07/2023
Mark S. Smith
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. | 2002
The Early History of God
Mark S. Smith | 01/07/2023
Bruce Vawter
Biblical Theology Bulletin | 1982
The God of Hebrew Scriptures
Bruce Vawter | 01/07/2023
Lucio Sembrano
Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna | 1998
La Regalità di dio
Lucio Sembrano | 01/07/2023
David Brown
Oxford University Press Inc New York | 2008
God and Mystery in Words
David Brown | 01/07/2023
Ben Witherington III
Baylor University Press | 2007
The Living word of God
Ben Witherington III | 01/07/2023
Don C. Benjamin
Biblical Theology Bulletin | 1989
Israel's God: Mother and Midwife
Don C. Benjamin | 01/07/2023
Dominik Markl, Claudia Paganini, Simone Paganini
Peter Lang Edition | 2014
Gottes Wort im Menschenwort
Dominik Markl, Claudia Paganini, Simone Paganini | 01/07/2023
Otto Kaiser
De Gruyter | 2010
Gott, Mensch und Geschichte
Otto Kaiser | 01/07/2023
Thomas J.J. Altizer
State University of New York | 2003
Godhead and the Nothing
Thomas J.J. Altizer | 01/07/2023
J. Harold Ellens, Deborah L. Ellens, Rolf P. Knierim, Isaac Kalimi
T & T Clark | 2004
God's Word for Our World Volume I
J. Harold Ellens, Deborah L. Ellens, Rolf P. Knierim, Isaac Kalimi | 01/07/2023
Jo Bailey Wells
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament | 2000
God's Holy People
Jo Bailey Wells | 01/07/2023
Marc Zvi Brettler
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament | 1989
God is King
Marc Zvi Brettler | 01/07/2023